We make your data
safe and compliant for

software testing.

privacy-aware analytics.



software testing.

privacy-aware analytics.

machine learning.

data sharing.

AlterID privacy enhancing technology enables organizations to unlock the full potential of their data, safely.

Gain operational efficiency

Use high quality compliant data you can generate and approve faster.

Secure data when most at risk: in use

Protect your data in use with built-in safeguards against malicious or accidental re-identification.

Reduce cost of compliance

Automate key elements of compliance with the main privacy regulations.

Why AlterID?

Protect your data in use with data-centric privacy and security safeguards.

Modern privacy regulations like GDPR have rewritten the playbook of how you collect and use data.
At AlterID, we believe that while your data subjects deserve their privacy rights, you deserve to leverage your data assets for growth.



Automatically discover sensitive data for faster protection, and monitor re-identification risks and utility for all your data assets.



Seamless automation of pseudonymization, anonymization, and tokenization, preserving privacy while maximizing utility.


Simplify adherence to privacy regulations with mathematically guaranteed built-in auditable privacy controls.


Make privacy your competitive advantage

AlterID's automated masking, tokenization, and format-preserving encryption engines allow you to quickly turn your data into safe and compliant assets.


Reconcile Data Usage, Security  & Privacy Compliance


Data Professionals

Ensure faster and safer access to compliant and accurate data for your analytics, BI, machine learning, and data collaboration projects.

Privacy Professionals

Streamline the approval process for data usage in key projects, ensuring safer access while minimizing workload and mitigating risks.

IT Security Professionals

Safeguard effective data exploitation with a solution that complements your  governance tools, and policies.

mathematically BACKED

Data with zero compromise on compliance with  guaranteed privacy-utility trade-offs for all your data use-cases.

Supported by

Got 30 minutes?

See AlterID in action in a short demo, and unlock the true potential of your data
with automated data privacy management.